Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Reality is veiled by illusion !

I found this really nice but still so ambiguous :
" when you still the mind and the senses, your consciousness seems to shift into a new dimension"

A erratic belief !

There was the Door to which I found no key;

There was the Veil through which I might not see:

Some little talk awhile of ME and THEE

There was-and then no more of THEE and ME.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

An erratic belief continues !

To be or not to be!

That’s not the question but probably the answer!

It might seem conceivable to find out the critical point of being in this current form of being! But the matter is that, we have never thought about this being as the answer, which results in world to be collapsed if it starts to diminish. Unravelling the “being “is the antimatter or better to say the “ant being”. It is still dim to get to that! I hope it’s not going to be a game! Lets pray !